I have done my share of teaching at various levels.
Academy of Ayurvedic Sciences in Amsterdam, Netherlands /since my time has changed its name and a focus to Delight Yoga Academy/ has been my first continuous place of teaching future ayurvedic therapists.
For seven years I have taught various levels, including being the principal class teacher, main reviewer of the research theses, clinical practicum including client consultations teacher. Perhaps the most cheeky was teaching the ayurvedic Sanskrit – that was a far reach.
When the time came in 2015 to turn my focus from physical to mental and spiritual aspects, it made sense to pass the 20 years of experience onto a new generation. To that end, I founded Ayurvedic Gurukula, a traditional training for future therapists in Prague, Czech republic. During the five years of the institution’s existence, we offered two different trainings. The most comprehensive was a three years program for therapists, which included a clinical practicum in India /at Gomantec Ayurveda College in Shiroda, Goa/. There was also a two-year program for nutrition and lifestyle advisors. It was a huge undertaking, as well as an enormous experience that had been Gurukula to me more than to my students.
These systematic teaching activities span the last 15 years. They have brought me a good understanding of where a future or beginner ayurveda practitioner is and what they need to support them in their endeavor of becoming the best vehicle for spreading the wisdom of ayurveda.
I have provided support to the students becoming practitioners either individually or in a group setting. The most common is a clinical practicum in which specific cases are discussed. Another way is to provide consultations to the practitioner´s clients as a teaching tool for the practitioner.
One of my specialties is nadi pariksha – pulse examination and other forms of clinical examination. I have guided several dozens of students in acquiring this special skill and am available to do so in the future.
There are many other ways how I may guide and support students in gaining or improving their clinical skills or how to help those who are starting their clinical practice. I always discuss individually with each person, making sure what they need and I offer is a good match.
There are many ways how to mentor. If you have a need or want to find out more, contact me directly.