Ayurveda inside out videos
I have had the privilege to work with ayurveda for more than twenty years. This represents about 15 000 people, each of them looking for their way to understand their own problems. The work has truly proved the basis of ayurveda that treats not problems or diseases, but people that have them.
Besides discovering a new solution for each person, the work has brought a deep understanding of how universal laws work in each of us. Instead of teaching people what is ayurveda and how to use it, I want to bring an opposite approach: to show everyone that ayurveda is inside of them. Ayurveda is what is natural for every one of us.
The best way to bring this simple yet tremendously helpful realization to people is in my opinion is a visual form. There have been good films about ayurveda, but I feel a series of short, easy to watch and understand videos, might provide a more practical format.
My goal is simple: to show that we have ayurveda all in us and around us. What is natural, representing the order of creation, is ayurveda.
The videos are posted on a Youtube channel simply by clicking on this link: xxxx