Vedic chanting represents a special form of meditation, sadhana, self-study, and reflection.
It is a recitation of mantras authentically based on rules delineated in Upanishads so that the sound vibration creates a powerful effect for the mind and body of those who produce the chant or listen to it.
It is also an incredible way how to work the mind to a state of purity and balance.
Chanting is a daily sadhana, practice requiring dedication and determination for regular honest practice rather than musical skill.
Having come from a family of professional musicians, the healing aspect of sound has been increasingly important to me. I dedicated two years to study chanting in the program for International teachers of vedic healing chants at Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandir in Chennai, Tamil Nadu in India.
This was the first time I approached a study as a tool for myself, not aiming to use it for others. But as time went by, situations appeared when the chant was suitable for healing. This is how I started giving instruction. It was not until the fall of 2020 when I was approached by several students to start teaching in a systematic matter.
Since then, I have been teaching continuously. I greatly enjoy giving and getting chanting guidance. With each student, I learn something new, making me not only a more effective teacher but a better mantra chanter myself. I continue with my practice and study as this journey never ends.
There is a possibility for individual instruction as well as a small group. If you are interested, let me know, so we may find out what is feasible. Covid pandemic forced us into an online teaching format and while not ideal, it is possible. So distance is NOT an issue and in-person participation is not required.