Introductory course on pranayamas

In-person 4 day course. Prana is the carrier of life, supporter of mind and connector of the visible and intangible. It is to our benefit to learn to perceive the workings of prana in our body. Once this is accomplished, we may direct prana in a specific way for specific purpose. All of this is subject of prana vidya, the yogic science of breath. Before specific breathing techniques may be undertaken, the foundation needs to be laid for the…


Psychology of chakras

9 month online course on what level of understanding and relating to reality each chakra represents. This understanding is helpful for us to see not only the journey of consciousness through our physical body, but also to find out where we are at with our perceptions. The whole idea of evolution of consciousness is to progress from a limited to more open view. Each chakra offers unique and special opportunities and ways how to approach it /due to pandemic…


Practical spirituality

6 month online course on physical, emotional and spiritual practical approaches to spirituality. Spirituality is viewed as something out there, something other than everyday life. The purpose of this program is to bridge perception and show how spirit pervades all planes of our existence. Most importantly, the goal is to give tools how to use the spiritual for everyday life issues. /this program was done due to pandemic only on-line/