Sva Marga – A Path of the Self
Vedic wisdom for the inner journey

Drawing on her extensive experience and deep interest in understanding the mysteries of the mind, Dr. Martina offers guidance on your inner journey to the Self. Although vedic philosophy gives a common ground through practical sciences of yoga and ayurveda, we all understand and apply them differently. To find own way is a journey of discovery for each person – and every path is unique.
Dr. Martina guides you to a place in you that has the answers you need and an understanding of the natural order we are a part of. Be it common life issues such as disease and relationships or deep soul-stirring questions, Dr. Martina helps you to see them as opportunities to experience life in its wholeness and totality. Finding your inner Self and letting it to lead your life – there is no more fulfilling aspect than this.

Sva Marga Consultations
This is a specific work that takes place in the inner territory of mind, feeling, perceptions, and wisdom. If a person uses a rational approach, wants to get a manual on how to get rid of a particular problem, and is operating with the right & wrong paradigm, Sva Marga approach is not suitable for them. Usually, we need a brief chat or a brief written description of a problem to make sure that what is offered and what is searched match.
Ayurveda mentorship
I have provided support to the students becoming practitioners either individually or in a group setting. The most common is a clinical practicum in which specific cases are discussed. Another way is to provide consultations to the practitioner´s clients as a teaching tool for the practitioner.
Vedic chanting teaching
I greatly enjoy giving and getting chanting guidance. With each student, I learn something new, making me not only a more effective teacher but a better mantra chanter myself. I continue with my practice and study as this journey never ends. There is a possibility for individual instruction as well as a small group.

Announcements - News
Master course on emotions /6-month online program in monthly 2 hrs installments/ to start in the fall of 2022
Vedic chanting group/individual instruction forming to start in fall 2022 /online/
Sva marga web site goes live

Master course on emotions /6-month online program in monthly 2 hrs installments/ to start in the fall of 2022
Vedic chanting group/individual instruction forming to start in fall 2022 /online/
Introductory course on pranayamas

Vedic Wisdom Thoughts
Part III: What is there to know? Jnana, vijnana, and prajnana
Part II: Rta – A cosmic order
Part I: Let there be peace, right? Wrong!

An Universal Inner Inteligence
An Inner Fire and Digestion
Key Element of Becoming Good Student of Yoga
Sukshma Ayurveda
What would Patanjali Say? Lessons for Today
Spiritual Aspects of Ayurveda